Conference Program

Notes for presenters

Authors' presentations are divided into different sessions based on the conference topics. Speakers should find the right session room 10 minutes earlier to copy the ppt presentation to the laptop and test the ppt. The session chair will start the session on time, and grade each presentation.

Time: Each speaker is allocated 15 minutes for your talk, including the time for Q&A and for the changeover between speakers, so please aim for no more than 12 minutes for the presentation itself. The slides and the presentations must be in English.

Equipment: In each oral presentation room, Laptop (with MS-Office & Adobe Reader), projector & screen and laser pointer will be available. You need to meet the chair of your session 10 minutes before session start and test your slides.

Best Presentation: A best presentation will be selected from each session which will be announced and awarded the certificate at the award ceremony.


The final program will be available in late July 2024. Please refer to the following simple program for your reference.


Day 1 - Friday - August 2, 2024


10:00 - 17:00 | Registration & Materials Collection


The first day is all about registration. Participants are supposed to sign in at the conference venue and collect all the conference materials at the registration counter on this day. And the registration is still open on the 2nd day of the conference.

  14:00 - 16:00 | Committee Conference
  14:00 - 17:00 | Campus Tour



Day 2 - Saturday - August 3, 2024


09:00 - 09:05 | Opening Remark


09:05 - 11:50 | Keynote Speeches


The conference chair will host the opening ceremony in the morning, and all the participants are supposed to be there, then the keynote speakers will deliver their spectacular speeches and share their cutting-edge research fruits with the participants. During the intermission, there will be a photo part for all the participants to take a group photo.


12:00 - 13:30 | Lunch


13:30 - 18:00 | Invited Speeches & Parallel Sessions


18:00 - 20:30 | Award Ceremony & Dinner Banquet


Day 3 - Sunday - August 4, 2024


09:00 - 12:00 | Invited Speeches & Parallel Sessions


13:30 - 19:00 | City Tour